Summer Pack Hikes

Weekday Pack Hikes Starting July 24th | $45

Southern California is an amazing place to live and hike, but it gets HOT in the summertime. In order to beat the heat and make sure no one overheats or paws get scorched, pack hikes start earlier in the morning. That way, we can enjoy the outdoors and not worry about melting in the California sun! Pickup times start at 7am, and drop-offs will be after 9:15am.

If your pup hikes 3x or more per week, the price drops to $40/hike.

Two dogs from the same household are $65/hike.

Weekend | $50

Weekend pack hikes are for the busy family, couple, or retiree so they can go to birthday parties, sporting events, take day trips, or go to Disneyland, and you don’t have to worry about your dog getting exercise! This is also a great option if you have a high-energy pup who needs a little extra exercise. Hiking time totals 2 hours, and we generally go 3.5+ miles. Pickup times start at 7 am, and drop-offs occur after 10:15 am.